• ORC,  Storage

    Storage Tuning for Mapped JSON Conversion to ORC File Format – Java Heap Issues with Dictionary Encoding

    Usually in a Data Lake we get source data as compressed JSON payloads (.gz files). Additionally, the first level of JSON objects is often parsed into map<string, string> structure to speed up the access to the first level keys/values, and then get_json_object function can be used to parse further JSON levels whenever required.

    But it still makes sense to convert data into the ORC format to evenly distribute data processing to smaller chunks, or to use indexes and optimize query execution for complementary columns such as event names, geo information, and some other system attributes.

    In this example we will load the source data stored in single 2.5 GB .gz file into the following ORC table:

  • Hive,  ORC,  Storage

    ORC File Format Internals – Creating Large Stripes in Hive Tables

    Usually the source data arrives as compressed text files, and the first step in an ETL process is to convert them to a columnar format for more effective query execution by users.

    Let’s consider a simple example when we have a single 120 MB source file in .gz format:

    $ aws s3 ls s3://cloudsqale/hive/events.db/events_raw/
    2018-12-16 18:49:45  120574494 data.gz

    and want to convert it into a Hive table with the ORC file format having 256 MB stripe size. Will 120 MB of .gz data be loaded into a single 256 MB stripe? Not so easy.

  • Amazon,  AWS,  EMR,  Hive,  ORC,  Tez

    Tez Internals #2 – Number of Map Tasks for Large ORC Files with Small Stripes in Amazon EMR

    Let’s see how Hive on Tez defines the number of map tasks when the input data is stored in large ORC files but having small stripes.

    Note. All experiments below were executed on Amazon Hive 2.1.1. This article does not apply to Qubole running on Amazon AWS. Qubole has a different algorithm to define the number of map tasks for ORC files.

  • Hive,  I/O,  ORC,  S3,  Storage

    Simple Hive Queries with Predicates – Compressed Text vs ORC Files

    Usually source data come as compressed text files into Hadoop and we often run SQL queries on top of them without any transformations.

    Sometimes these queries are simple single-table search queries returning a few rows based on the specified predicates, and people often complain about their performance.

    Compressed Text Files

    Consider the following sample table:

    CREATE TABLE clicks
       id STRING, 
       name STRING,
       referral_id STRING
    LOCATION 's3://cloudsqale/hive/dmtolpeko.db/clicks/';

    In my case s3://cloudsqale/hive/dmtolpeko.db/clicks contains single file data.txt.gz that has 27.3M rows and relatively small size of 5.3 GB.