Apache Tez is the main distributed execution engine for Apache Hive and Apache Pig jobs.
Tez represents a data flow as DAGs (Directed acyclic graph) that consists of a set of vertices connected by edges. Vertices represent data transformations while edges represent movement of data between vertices.
For example, the following Hive SQL query:
SELECT u.name, sum_items FROM ( SELECT user_id, SUM(items) sum_items FROM sales GROUP BY user_id ) s JOIN users u ON s.user_id = u.id
and its corresponding Apache Pig script:
sales = LOAD 'sales' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader(); users = LOAD 'users' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader(); sales_agg = FOREACH (GROUP sales BY user_id) GENERATE group.user_id as user_id, SUM(sales.items) as sum_items; data = JOIN sales_agg BY user_id, users BY id;
Can be represented as the following DAG in Tez:
In my case the job ran almost 5 hours:
Why did it take so long to run the job? Is there any way to improve its performance?
Tez Application Master Log
I am going to use the Tez AM log to investigate vertex performance and find possible bottlenecks.
Note that there is the Timeline Server REST API that you can use to get the statistics for Tez jobs, but the application master log is “event-driven”, shows the exact order of all events and contains much more details in general.
Since a single AM can run multiple DAGs in one session let’s find the beginning of our job:
2019-10-28 02:57:30,590 [INFO] |app.DAGAppMaster|: Running DAG 2019-10-28 02:57:30,831 [INFO] |history.HistoryEventHandler|: [HISTORY][DAG:dag_1571947206222_4487_1] [Event:DAG_SUBMITTED]
Tez is ready to run vertices (but it is not physical execution yet):
2019-10-28 02:57:30,864 [INFO] |impl.VertexImpl|: Running vertex: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_00 [scope-286] 2019-10-28 02:57:30,866 [INFO] |impl.VertexImpl|: Running vertex: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_01 [scope-287] 2019-10-28 02:57:30,869 [INFO] |impl.VertexImpl|: Running vertex: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_02 [scope-288] 2019-10-28 02:57:30,870 [INFO] |impl.VertexImpl|: Running vertex: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_03 [scope-289]
Tez creates tasks to read data from 2 data sources (tables sales
and users
in my case), tasks for GROUP BY and tasks for JOIN:
2019-10-28 02:57:30,890 [INFO] |impl.VertexImpl|: Creating 200 tasks for vertex: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_00 [scope-286] 2019-10-28 02:57:30,918 [INFO] |impl.VertexImpl|: Creating 400 tasks for vertex: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_01 [scope-287] 2019-10-28 02:57:30,935 [INFO] |impl.VertexImpl|: Creating 200 tasks for vertex: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_02 [scope-288] 2019-10-28 02:57:30,944 [INFO] |impl.VertexImpl|: Creating 200 tasks for vertex: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_03 [scope-289]
Then Tez starts the tasks (again, it is not physical execution yet):
2019-10-28 02:57:32,660 [INFO] |history.HistoryEventHandler|: [Event:TASK_STARTED]: vertexName=scope-287, taskId=task_1571947206222_4487_1_01_000000 2019-10-28 02:57:32,698 [INFO] |history.HistoryEventHandler|: [Event:TASK_STARTED]: vertexName=scope-286, taskId=task_1571947206222_4487_1_00_000000 2019-10-28 02:57:32,712 [INFO] |history.HistoryEventHandler|: [Event:TASK_STARTED]: vertexName=scope-287, taskId=task_1571947206222_4487_1_01_000001 ...
Note that tasks for different vertices can run concurrently. TASK_STARTED event is just the “logical” start of the task, and YARN containers are not allocated yet to physically run them on the compute nodes of the cluster.
Since there are a lot of tasks, I ran a script to parse and collect some stats for the TASK_STARTED events:
Tasks Started: scope-286: 200 tasks Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:32,698 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:32,741 scope-287: 400 tasks Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:32,660 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:32,750 scope-288: 200 tasks Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:59:55,443 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:59:58,895 scope-289: 200 tasks Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:56:49,739 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 04:00:57,249
You can see all scope-286
and scope-287
tasks were started immediately.
As the next step Tez tries to allocate resources to run the tasks:
2019-10-28 02:57:32,791 [INFO] |rm.YarnTaskSchedulerService|: Allocation request for task: attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_01_000000_0 with request: Capability[<memory:1479, vCores:1>] 2019-10-28 02:57:32,791 [INFO] |rm.YarnTaskSchedulerService|: Allocation request for task: attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_00_000000_0 with request: Capability[<memory:1479, vCores:1>] 2019-10-28 02:57:32,791 [INFO] |rm.YarnTaskSchedulerService|: Allocation request for task: attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_01_000001_0 with request: Capability[<memory:1479, vCores:1>] ...
Parsing the allocation request events I was able to collect the following stats:
Allocation Requests: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_00: 200 requests Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:32,791 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:32,822 vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_01: 400 requests Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:32,791 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:32,831 vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_02: 205 requests Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:59:55,462 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:09:42,694 vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_03: 240 requests Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:56:49,755 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 06:15:46,143
After the Tez application master receives containers from YARN, you can see the following messages:
2019-10-28 02:57:34,676 [INFO] |rm.YarnTaskSchedulerService|: Assigning container to task: containerId=container_1571947206222_4487_01_000002, task=attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_00_000000_0, containerHost=ip-10-84-55-173.ec2.internal:8041, containerResources=<memory:1504, vCores:1> 2019-10-28 02:57:34,677 [INFO] |rm.YarnTaskSchedulerService|: Assigning container to task: containerId=container_1571947206222_4487_01_000032, task=attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_00_000001_0, containerHost=ip-10-84-55-226.ec2.internal:8041, containerResources=<memory:1504, vCores:1> 2019-10-28 02:57:34,678 [INFO] |rm.YarnTaskSchedulerService|: Assigning container to task: containerId=container_1571947206222_4487_01_000017, task=attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_00_000002_0, containerHost=ip-10-84-55-209.ec2.internal:8041, containerResources=<memory:1504, vCores:1> ...
Summary on the assigned container events:
Assigned Containers: vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_00: 200 containers Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:34,676 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:34,706 vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_01: 400 containers Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:34,706 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:36,347 vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_02: 205 containers Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:59:57,349 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:09:44,187 vertex_1571947206222_4487_1_03: 240 containers Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:56:50,820 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 06:15:47,634
Tez spends some time to launch the containers and you can see the following message when a task actually starts:
2019-10-28 02:57:35,951 [INFO] |history.HistoryEventHandler|: [HISTORY][DAG:dag_1571947206222_4487_1] [Event:TASK_ATTEMPT_STARTED]: vertexName=scope-287, taskAttemptId=attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_01_000039_0, containerId=container_1571947206222_4487_01_000225, nodeId=ip-10-84-55-197.ec2.internal:8041 ...
Summary on the attempt start events:
Task Attempts Started: scope-286: 200 attempts Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:36,533 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:38,235 scope-287: 400 attempts Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:35,951 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:57:38,287 scope-288: 205 attempts Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:59:58,272 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:09:45,134 scope-289: 240 attempts Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:56:51,791 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 06:15:48,567
When a task attempt finished the following event shows its execution statistics:
2019-10-28 02:59:51,587 [INFO] |history.HistoryEventHandler|: [HISTORY][DAG:dag_1571947206222_4487_1] [Event:TASK_FINISHED]: vertexName=scope-287, taskId=task_1571947206222_4487_1_01_000003, startTime=1572231457104, finishTime=1572231591585, timeTaken=134481, status=SUCCEEDED, successfulAttemptID=attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_01_000003_0, FILE_BYTES_READ=894396137, FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN=1667278775, S3N_BYTES_READ=531118188, INPUT_RECORDS_PROCESSED=12899158, INPUT_SPLIT_LENGTH_BYTES=531118188, OUTPUT_RECORDS=12899158, OUTPUT_BYTES=2119682165, OUTPUT_BYTES_WITH_OVERHEAD=2024479834, OUTPUT_BYTES_PHYSICAL=833233007 ...
Summary for the finished tasks:
Tasks Finished: scope-286: 200 tasks Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:54:00,943 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 04:16:05,362 scope-287: 400 tasks Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 02:59:51,587 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:00:14,312 scope-288: 200 tasks Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:08:35,733 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 03:10:33,184 scope-289: 200 tasks Minimum timestamp: 2019-10-28 06:01:53,947 Maximum timestamp: 2019-10-28 07:54:44,148
You can notice that there are about 2 hours between the first and last finished task in scope-289
(JOIN operation) and 20 minutes in scope-286
(GROUP BY operation).
Below you can see an approximate timeline of execution for each vertex:
The final JOIN (scope-289
) starts when the first task of scope-286
finishes (not all), but it still has to wait an hour to start.
Tasks Execution Time
Next, it makes sense to analyze the execution time (minimum, maximum and percentiles) for tasks to find skews or anomalies:
scope-286: Minimum: 3383.5 sec (56.3 min) Maximum: 4707.5 sec (78.4 min) p01: 3402.0 sec (56.7 min) p05: 3452.6 sec (57.5 min) p25: 3551.9 sec (59.1 min) p50: 3676.9 sec (61.2 min) p75: 3799.6 sec (63.3 min) p95: 3957.2 sec (65.9 min) p99: 4546.4 sec (75.7 min) scope-287: Minimum: 134.4 sec (2.2 min) Maximum: 156.7 sec (2.6 min) p01: 135.1 sec (2.2 min) p05: 136.4 sec (2.2 min) p25: 137.8 sec (2.2 min) p50: 139.5 sec (2.3 min) p75: 141.5 sec (2.3 min) p95: 144.3 sec (2.4 min) p99: 148.0 sec (2.4 min) scope-288: Minimum: 516.7 sec (8.6 min) Maximum: 633.3 sec (10.5 min) p01: 517.4 sec (8.6 min) p05: 523.7 sec (8.7 min) p25: 531.9 sec (8.8 min) p50: 538.6 sec (8.9 min) p75: 545.0 sec (9.0 min) p95: 556.1 sec (9.2 min) p99: 564.5 sec (9.4 min) scope-289: Minimum: 7388.2 sec (123.1 min) Maximum: 14064.9 sec (234.4 min) p01: 7465.0 sec (124.4 min) p05: 7617.8 sec (126.9 min) p25: 7823.5 sec (130.3 min) p50: 7935.8 sec (132.2 min) p75: 8036.4 sec (133.9 min) p95: 8192.3 sec (136.5 min) p99: 8433.8 sec (140.5 min)
Long Running Map Tasks
and scope-287
are map tasks that read the input data. While scope-287
looks good (2 minutes per task without significant variance) scope-286
tasks run from 56 to 78 minutes that is quite long for mappers.
Why is long running task a problem?
- If a 1-hour task fails (failure is normal) you need one more hour to restart it that significantly delays the downstream data pipeline and just adds 1 hour to the job execution time (!)
- When the cluster has enough resources it can parallelize the processing at the task level but this is not possible when tasks are large (task is an atomic unit of work and cannot be split into smaller chunks).
First let’s see the input size for map tasks:
scope-286: Total inputSplitSize: 1007598.6 MB (1007.5 GB) Minimum inputSplitSize: 5008.3 MB (5.0 GB) Maximum inputSplitSize: 5071.6 MB (5.0 GB) p01 inputSplitSize: 5016.9 MB (5.0 GB) p05 inputSplitSize: 5022.0 MB (5.0 GB) p25 inputSplitSize: 5031.0 MB (5.0 GB) p50 inputSplitSize: 5038.0 MB (5.0 GB) p75 inputSplitSize: 5044.3 MB (5.0 GB) p95 inputSplitSize: 5054.1 MB (5.0 GB) p99 inputSplitSize: 5064.6 MB (5.0 GB) scope-287: Total inputSplitSize: 212296.8 MB (212.2 GB) Minimum inputSplitSize: 530.3 MB (0.5 GB) Maximum inputSplitSize: 531.1 MB (0.5 GB) p01 inputSplitSize: 530.4 MB (0.5 GB) p05 inputSplitSize: 530.5 MB (0.5 GB) p25 inputSplitSize: 530.6 MB (0.5 GB) p50 inputSplitSize: 530.7 MB (0.5 GB) p75 inputSplitSize: 530.8 MB (0.5 GB) p95 inputSplitSize: 531.0 MB (0.5 GB) p99 inputSplitSize: 531.1 MB (0.5 GB)
Input processing rate:
scope-286: 200 tasks Total inputSplitSize: 1007598.6 MB (1007.5 GB) Minimum start time: 2019-10-28 02:57:36,533 Maximum end time: 2019-10-28 04:16:05,362 Duration: 4708.8 sec (78.4 min) Total inputSplitSize/sec: 213.9 MB/sec Minimum inputSplitSize/sec: 1.0 MB/sec Maximum inputSplitSize/sec: 1.4 MB/sec p01 inputSplitSize/sec: 1.1 MB/sec p05 inputSplitSize/sec: 1.2 MB/sec p25 inputSplitSize/sec: 1.3 MB/sec p50 inputSplitSize/sec: 1.3 MB/sec p75 inputSplitSize/sec: 1.4 MB/sec p95 inputSplitSize/sec: 1.4 MB/sec p99 inputSplitSize/sec: 1.4 MB/sec scope-287: 400 tasks Total inputSplitSize: 212296.8 MB (212.2 GB) Minimum start time: 2019-10-28 02:57:35,951 Maximum end time: 2019-10-28 03:00:14,312 Duration: 158.3 sec (2.6 min) Total inputSplitSize/sec: 1340.5 MB/sec Minimum inputSplitSize/sec: 3.3 MB/sec Maximum inputSplitSize/sec: 3.9 MB/sec p01 inputSplitSize/sec: 3.5 MB/sec p05 inputSplitSize/sec: 3.6 MB/sec p25 inputSplitSize/sec: 3.7 MB/sec p50 inputSplitSize/sec: 3.8 MB/sec p75 inputSplitSize/sec: 3.8 MB/sec p95 inputSplitSize/sec: 3.8 MB/sec p99 inputSplitSize/sec: 3.9 MB/sec
Output size for map tasks:
scope-286: 200 tasks Total outputSize: 2956830.1 MB (2956.8 GB) Minimum outputSize: 14697.9 MB (14.6 GB) Maximum outputSize: 14883.0 MB (14.8 GB) p01 outputSize: 14720.4 MB (14.7 GB) p05 outputSize: 14736.0 MB (14.7 GB) p25 outputSize: 14762.1 MB (14.7 GB) p50 outputSize: 14783.9 MB (14.7 GB) p75 outputSize: 14805.1 MB (14.8 GB) p95 outputSize: 14831.3 MB (14.8 GB) p99 outputSize: 14862.5 MB (14.8 GB) scope-287: 400 tasks Total outputSize: 333020.8 MB (333.0 GB) Minimum outputSize: 831.8 MB (0.8 GB) Maximum outputSize: 833.2 MB (0.8 GB) p01 outputSize: 832.0 MB (0.8 GB) p05 outputSize: 832.1 MB (0.8 GB) p25 outputSize: 832.4 MB (0.8 GB) p50 outputSize: 832.5 MB (0.8 GB) p75 outputSize: 832.6 MB (0.8 GB) p95 outputSize: 832.9 MB (0.8 GB) p99 outputSize: 833.1 MB (0.8 GB)
You can see that there are issues with scope-286
, its task inputs are huge (5 GB per task), and the computation is intensive producing even much larger resulting data (14 GB per task).
Analyzing Reducers
Now let’s collect some statistics for reducers performing GROUP BY and JOIN in my example:
scope-288: 200 tasks Total shuffleSize: 333020.8 MB (333.0 GB) Minimum shuffleSize: 1651.6 MB (1.6 GB) Maximum shuffleSize: 1678.0 MB (1.6 GB) p01 shuffleSize: 1653.0 MB (1.6 GB) p05 shuffleSize: 1655.6 MB (1.6 GB) p25 shuffleSize: 1661.8 MB (1.6 GB) p50 shuffleSize: 1664.8 MB (1.6 GB) p75 shuffleSize: 1668.7 MB (1.6 GB) p95 shuffleSize: 1674.0 MB (1.6 GB) p99 shuffleSize: 1677.0 MB (1.6 GB) scope-289: 200 tasks Total shuffleSize: 2963183.0 MB (2963.1 GB) Minimum shuffleSize: 14729.5 MB (14.7 GB) Maximum shuffleSize: 14915.0 MB (14.9 GB) p01 shuffleSize: 14751.9 MB (14.7 GB) p05 shuffleSize: 14767.8 MB (14.7 GB) p25 shuffleSize: 14793.7 MB (14.7 GB) p50 shuffleSize: 14815.6 MB (14.8 GB) p75 shuffleSize: 14837.0 MB (14.8 GB) p95 shuffleSize: 14863.1 MB (14.8 GB) p99 shuffleSize: 14894.4 MB (14.8 GB)
JOIN in scope-289
is well-balanced but it just has to process too large volume of data (2.9 TB) for 200 tasks.
Failed Reducer Attempts
One of reduce tasks failed after more than 2 hours of execution:
2019-10-28 04:00:17,063 [INFO] |history.HistoryEventHandler|: [Event:TASK_STARTED]: vertexName=scope-289, taskId=task_1571947206222_4487_1_03_000101 2019-10-28 06:11:49,734 [INFO] |history.HistoryEventHandler|: [Event:TASK_ATTEMPT_FINISHED]: vertexName=scope-289, taskAttemptId=attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_03_000101_0, diagnostics=Error: Error while running task ( failure ) : java.io.IOException: Error closing multipart upload
Tez automatically started a new attempt, but this failure added 2 hours to the job execution time (!):
2019-10-28 06:11:49,735 [INFO] |impl.TaskImpl|: Scheduling new attempt for task: task_1571947206222_4487_1_03_000101, currentFailedAttempts: 1, maxFailedAttempts: 4 2019-10-28 07:54:44,148 [INFO] |history.HistoryEventHandler|: [Event:TASK_ATTEMPT_FINISHED]: vertexName=scope-289, taskAttemptId=attempt_1571947206222_4487_1_03_000101_1, status=SUCCEEDED
The task that could finish at 6:11 finished at 7:54 due to the failure.
Increasing Parallelism
In my environment the cluster that runs this job has 300 nodes so I increased the number tasks for JOIN and scope-286
mapper to 2,000 and job takes only 25-30 minutes to run now (instead of 3-5 hours).
Distributed data pipelines often have huge potential to improve their performance. DAGs can be complex and you have to monitor the performance of every vertex to find long running tasks and try to increase the parallelism.
Failure is normal in distributed environments so even if you do not have enough resources to run all tasks concurrently it is still helpful to have large number of small tasks to minimize the delays introduced by task attempt re-runs.